Chiropractic Treatment for Disc Issues in Alexandria, VA
The discs are located between each vertebrae in the spine. If a disc suffers an injury or begins to degenerate, it can become a debilitating problem quickly. Symptoms of disc issues include:
- Back pain
- Increased pain with repetitive movement
- Discomfort when sitting
- Sharp pain caused by laughing, sneezing, or coughing
- Numbness and tingling sensations that may extend to arms or legs
Normal movement of the spine keeps discs healthy; when this movement is lost or limited, the discs are under increased pressure. This can cause them to bulge out from the vertebrae, which we refer to as disc bulge. When disc bulge is not treated promptly, it can progress into a herniated disc.
There are limited options for disc bulges and herniated discs. Timely chiropractic care offers you the best chance of avoiding surgery, as the longer you wait to seek treatment, the more difficult it is to correct these problems.
Our team at Palmercare Chiropractic takes a holistic approach to treating injured discs. This includes traditional chiropractic care, at-home stretches and exercises, and traction.
To learn more about chiropractic care for disc issues in Alexandria, call Palmercare Chiropractic at 703-360-1011.